
We've provided a selection of useful calculators below.  Please note that whilst the calculators are accurate, they perform generic calculations that do not take into account your individual circumstances. They should be used as a guide only and not relied upon.

Please also note we do not store or see any of the information you input to these calculators.

Growth Interest Rate (%)

Investment Duration (Years)

Regularly Monthly Investment (£)

Initial Lump Sum Investment (£)

Target Fund Value (if required) (£)

Your Results

The value of investments and the income they produce can fall as well as rise. You may get back less than you invested.

Note: Annual Management charges, and New Investment charges are ignored.

This is a generic calculation that does not take into account the individuals circumstances, it should not therefore be relied on.

UK News

The UK operations of the construction group ISG collapsed into administration on Friday.
Some economists have linked a drop in consumer confidence to officials' warnings of a painful Budget.
The 1979 accident at Three Mile Island had cast a shadow on nuclear power in the US for decades.
Higher spending on public services and benefits led to a rise in government borrowing, figures show.
The company looks to shake things up as demand for its trainers falters in international markets.